Terms of Service

Last updated: 8/17/2024


Welcome to Vibrant! By using our services, you agree to comply with the following terms and conditions and accept responsibility for adhering to the laws applicable in your jurisdiction. These terms are applicable to all Vibrant users. Your access to and use of our services depend on your acceptance of these terms. Our services are designed to help you manage your Discord staff team and community. If you do not agree with any part of these terms, you may not use our services. If you have any questions or concerns about these terms, please don't hesitate to contact us.

Access & Usage Of Vibrant's Services

Vibrant reserves the right to restrict, suspend, or terminate your access to our services without prior notice or liability, for any reason deemed necessary by Vibrant Management. If your account is suspended or deleted, you acknowledge that you are not entitled to demand compensation or reimbursement. You are responsible for any applicable fees or charges that may apply. By using our services, you agree to: Ensure that individuals under the age of 13 do not use our services. Refrain from engaging in any illegal activities through our services. Abide by Discord's rules when using our services. Avoid sharing false information or disparaging the reputation of Vibrant, its staff, or developers. Refrain from replicating, modifying, disrupting, attacking, or exploiting Vibrant or its services. Not impersonate Vibrant, its staff, or developers.

Limitation of Liability

The "Limitation of Liability" clause specifies that while Vibrant strives to offer a safe, secure, and bug-free service, we cannot guarantee uninterrupted service at all times. Vibrant reserves the right to suspend, discontinue, or modify any aspect of our services at any time, with or without prior notice. However, our liability is limited to the fullest extent permitted by law. This means that Vibrant will not be liable for any lost profits, revenues, information, or data, even if we were aware of the possibility of such damages.


By using or relying on websites and services not owned by Vibrant, you acknowledge and accept that Vibrant is not liable for any harm or loss incurred. Websites and services not owned by Vibrant are beyond our control, and we are not responsible for any consequences resulting from their use. You understand and agree that Vibrant bears no responsibility for any harm or loss arising from the use or reliance on external websites or services. For more information, you can visit our links page.

Acceptable Use

Vibrant Staff reserve the right to take appropriate measures to protect our legitimate interests, including restricting user access to Vibrant, terminating contracts, and reporting any misconduct to relevant authorities.

Data Collection

When you use Vibrant services, our bot may collect information about users, guilds, and command usage. This includes data about individuals using our service, the communities they belong to, and their interactions with our system. For more details about the types of data collected and how it is utilized, please consult our Privacy Policy.

Changes And/Or Modifications To These Terms

Vibrant Management retains the authority to modify, adjust, or revise the Privacy Policy and/or Terms of Service at any time without prior notice or legal obligation. For updated versions of our policies, please visit Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and Legal.